Code of Ethics
The Forankra Group is part of Axel Johnson International AB and thereby shares the group values and guidelines regarding sustainability, Code of Ethics and Supplier Code of Conduct.
Code of Ethics
Axel Johnson International’s Code of Ethics is an extension of our company’s core values – far-sighted, making things happen and good to work with – and reflects our commitment to ethical business practices and the laws of the countries where we are active.
The Code of Ethics deals with the rights and responsibilities of all employees of our group and covers ethical issues on individual level as well as the policies guiding our business practices. It is a reminder that every action matters, every day.
Supplier Code of Conduct
The code of conduct seeks to ensure that suppliers operate in accordance with internationally recognised minimum standards on human rights, labour and the environment. If there is a gap between requirements and performance, we support the supplier to overcome it.
The code of conduct includes:
• Labour and human rights charters
• Health and safety charters
• Ethics charter
• Environmental charters