Underslung lifting net

Underslung lifting net

Underslung lifting net, 3300 lbs

Product nr: GP LN-N15-62X62
Description: Underslung lifting net, 1500 daN / 3300 lbs, dimensions 6,2 x 6,2 m, meshtype; knotless, number of fitting rings; 4, mesh size; 125 x 125 mm, loading perimeter; 3,5 x 3,5 m, 100% Polyester - FAR 25,853 + anti abraison treatment
Dimensions (m): 6,2 x 6,2 m
Material: 100 % Polyester - FAR 25.853
Certification: Delivered with certificate of conformance
Ultimate Service Load DaN / lbs: 1500 / 3300
Conditionnement (pc): 1